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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions

Why don't we sell them at retail?

First, when we started our land investing business several years ago we sold to retail buyers. We found early success and began sharing our excitement and success stories with other friends, family, and military members. Several of these people decided to start their own side hustle cash flow land business as well.  So we decided to help them start their business off on the right foot and gave them some of our properties at cost to begin selling. As you can imagine this sped up their success as well since they didn't have to worry about mailers, county research, and scrubbing lists. Pretty soon we were out of properties to help our friends, not to mention our own business.  So we went out and acquired more and more property to help all the businesses succeed.  During this process we found very unique and specialized ways to acquire properties outside of the conventional path. It really all began just by trying to genuinely help people find success and ultimately financial freedom.  Through this process we decided to invest heavily into systems and processes to acquire land in order to help fulfill the demand we were getting from our friends, family, and co-workers. We found a great amount of reward in helping others find success and sharing our knowledge of the business, that we decided to go all in on buying land, serving other people just starting out, and ultimately making a difference in their lives.

So as a team we decided to devote our capital, time, and resources on how to find the next upcoming markets, how to buy single parcels of land at a really low cost basis, and developed software to help us gain an advantage.

Land Arb: What do I do once I have found a buyer?

What a great problem to have right? Well you have a couple of choices if you decided to execute the land arb strategy with us.
1. You can login to your loan and make a payment for the balance of the loan. We will then begin the process of transferring over the deed and have it recorded.
2. You can set your new buyer up on terms and begin collecting monthly payments from them. Your buyer pays you monthly, and in turn, you pay your monthly payment with us. You should have plenty of wiggle room to make sure you are turning a profit each month.

Should I set up an LLC first before buying or Arb'ing a property?

This is totally an individual decision. My personal opinion if I were just starting out again, would be to not spend the money and time figuring out the LLC, bank accounts, operating agreement, etc... Instead, I would figure out if you enjoy doing this business and if you are able to create income from this business model. So I would just buy a handful of properties and begin to market and sell them. If you hate the business, find it too time consuming, find it too difficult for you, or any other reason; then you don't have the added expenses and logistics of having an LLC. On the flip side, if you come to the realization that there is a real opportunity here, then go ahead and start an LLC if you can afford it.

Will we buy or consign properties from other land investors?

How do I prepare the deed for my buyer?

Yes absolutely! Reach out to us via email and we can discuss the properties and see if we can work out an agreement.






We will happily walk you through that. Just reach out whenever the time comes. It's actually not very difficult.

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